My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Time taken to read - 1 day
Pages - 256
Publisher - self
Source - Review copy
Blurb from Goodreads
After narrowly averting a supernatural war in London, Cassandra Bick just wants life to get back to normal. Or as normal as life can be when you run a dating agency for vampires, your best friend is a witch and the oldest, strongest and sexiest vampire in town is taking a very personal interest in your business. But when a vicious new supernatural enemy threatens her friends, Cass finds herself once again fighting for the fate of her city – and having to face some demons of her own.
Snarky, sexy and fast paced, Wolf Night will leave you breathless.
Wolf Night is Book 2 in the Dark Dates series, the Chronicles of Cassandra Bick.
My Review
Just when Cassandra thought things were settling down (post book 1) another problem rears it's head. In true book form it can never be just one issue though can it :D Laclos, her now business partner continues with his in your face sexual vibrancy, reminding Cassandra just what she is missing. When a new threat has come to town Cassandra has no idea how much it is about to turn her world upside down and threaten everything and everyone close to her.
Ooooh dramas, death, destruction, sexual tension, friendship, sex, violence, homosexuality, racism, witchcraft, fighting, humour, drinking blood and that is just for starters. It is a busy wee book, if you have read the first book you will be familiar with Cassandra's love "triangle" and her small group of friends. We have a more intimate knowledge of their relationships in this book along with the new threat, action, fighting and love.
I love the banter, there is one particular scene, typical of that individuals heritage, that I actually fist pumped and shouted yaaaaas! Cassandra refers to her gift a lot, her sense that helps her detect danger, picks up Cain, vibes and it comes up a lot but as she is surrounded by so much supernaturals it isn't to be unexpected.
The book has a lot of everything but it is crafted together well, the characters, the narration, it has a variety of content and I personally laughed more than a few times. I have the next in the series on my gigantor tbrm, I cannot wait to read the next and see what is in store for the characters, 4/5 for me.

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