My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Time taken to red - 3 days
Pages - 368
Publisher - Anderson Press
Source - Bought
Blurb from Goodreads
Blumwald is a town overshadowed by an ancient curse: in a sinister castle in the depths of the wild wood lives a monstrous Witch. Once a generation, she comes to claim a companion to return with her – never to be seen again. Now that time is drawing near once more...
Mina, daughter of the duke, is grieving and lonely. She has lost all hope of any future for herself in Blumwald. So when the Witch demands her next companion, Mina offers herself up – though she has no idea what fate awaits her. Stranded with her darkly alluring captor, the mystery of what happened to the previous companions draws Mina into the heart of a terrifying secret that could save her life, or end it.
My Review
A very small town, Mina, daughter of a Duke completely ignored, almost Cinderella vibes although the dad is still alive. She is completely ignored/forgotten about whilst her stepmother and her stepsisters have all the love and attention. The small town is under the curse of a witch, every X amount of years a villager is given to the witch, never to be heard from again. With everything being the way it is and feeling so lonely and isolated Mina tributes herself to go with the witch. The book then follows their journey, the witch being cold, irritated and elusive to Mina's questions. The longer Mina is there with no answers the more she has to explore to try and find out what happened to those before her and what is in store for her.
This is different from anything I have read, a bit of fairy tale hints, witch, town curse, mystery, loner main character who is desperate to be loved/accepted or even just acknowledged. Desperate loneliness, suspicion, hints of a dark truth yet to be revealed. And in between all of that we have some LGBT themes, focusing more on the L. Family, love, relationships, secrets, survival and always with a dark secret looming.
I liked it, I felt it changed and brought something I wasn't expecting nor really hinted at but with witches magic is magic and anything can happen. This was my first time reading this author I would absolutely read her again, 3/5.