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Now I don't for one second mean I would ever damage or burn a book
*shudders at the thought* however after what I read today, in a line of shocking comments recently from readers, I do sometimes wonder why they don't. Destroy the books, ban authors, destroy the literary world as we know it, because slowly one by one actions like what I read today are doing just that.
I am a member of many book clubs, I love books, I buy books, I practically inhale them when I get a chance. I am a reader, a blogger, a reviewer. I am one of the few who review both books I loved and didn't particularly like much at all but I am constructive and I will always recommend a book because what I hated others will love. But one thing I am seeing more and more is some people, readers, wanting books and to not pay ANYTHING for them. Suggestions of joining a review site because and I quote "you get free books and you don't even have to review them!" sadly I have heard this a fair bit in the past few months.
The site they are talking about is designed for reviewers and it is set up for you to request a book and in EXCHANGE you give an honest review, as with anything this is being exploited by some and sadly not being properly vetted.
Today someone posted that they had
read a book, didn't enjoy it and
returned it for a refund!!!

I am shocked, angry, enraged and I am not even an author, I am a reader, a lover of books. I just think, how many times have we went to a movie, not liked or loved it and would never ask for a refund. Why?
Because I got what I paid for, I used it, watched it! I had previously heard of people downloading ebooks and returning them after reading them, getting a refund, Sorry guys but that is
STEALING You paid for something, you used it, I don't care if it is an ebook, makeup, a movie, you loved it or hated it, authors get negatives on their statements that show when a book has been refunded. Someone has paid them money for their work and then oh wait, I didn't like it or hey I did but I can exploit something here so I will get a refund. Absolutely shocking, imagine putting your heart and soul into something, working on it for months or years, someone wants it, buys it - something you created, what an amazing feeling. Then to have it stolen or demand their money back, after they used it, I am not talking about someone disliking a book guys, you buy it you are entitled to your opinion, I am talking about buying something, using it and then sending it back just because you can.
As a reader I am disheartened, I can only imagine what authors must have felt seeing that. All I can say is, if you love books SUPPORT your authors. Do not get them by illegal means, if you have money issues and love reading then go and support your local libraries, authors do get money from this. Not much but it is much more than getting it from dodgy sites, kindle does deals where you can get free books that another day are full price. Many sites can alert you to it, reading this post? I do giveaways pretty much every month albeit pre loved but some are brand new signed copies, sometimes Amazon vouchers. There are many ways to indulge your love of reading AND support your authors.
Please remember that with any business it is supply and demand, if we all just take things because we can, we are disrespecting our authors, our books, our fellow readers and doing the literary world a massive disservice. Respect the printed word (treebooks and ebooks), respect books for what they are and bring us. Think how much say a cup of coffee costs us and how long that lasts. Thing about the book that hooked you on reading, or the last book that made you cry, or the book that got you through that dark spot in your life. That is something that for me is priceless, I am sure all book lovers agree, lets keep the book world alive.
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