Monday 11 July 2011

A favour please fellow bloggers

Some people are having a problem leaving comments, could you try and leave one (even just saying test) and let me know if you cant (just email).

I have recently changed over my domain name (I did it through blogger) so it is just to see if it is an issue caused by that.

http// and if that doesn't work try the new domain which is

thanks in advance


  1. It is good to see you got through Bernie yet more than a handful have emailed to say they can't. It is weird and frustrating. Thank you xx

  2. Just seeing if I can post a comment!

  3. I'm commenting, I'm commenting, I'm commenting, I'm commen ... ting.

  4. Testing, Testing, 1 2 3 4 5 6... what comes after 6 again?

  5. testing.
    I have trouble commenting on my blog too.

    Am using google chrome now.



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