My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Time taken to read - 2 days
Pages - 338
Publisher - First ink
Source - Bought
Blurb from Goodreads
Why save the world when you can have tea?
On the streets of White Roaring, Arthie Casimir is a criminal mastermind and collector of secrets. Her prestigious tearoom transforms into an illegal bloodhouse by dark, catering to the vampires feared by society. But when her establishment is threatened, Arthie is forced to strike an unlikely deal with an alluring adversary to save it—and she can’t do the job alone.
Calling on some of the city's most skilled outcasts, Arthie hatches a plan to infiltrate the sinister, glittering vampire society known as the Athereum. But not everyone in her ragtag crew is on her side, and as the truth behind the heist unfolds, Arthie finds herself in the midst of a conspiracy that will threaten the world as she knows it.
From the New York Times—bestselling author of We Hunt the Flame comes the first book in a hotly anticipated fantasy duology teeming with romance and revenge, led by an orphan girl willing to do whatever it takes to save her self-made kingdom. Dark, action-packed, and swoonworthy, this is Hafsah Faizal better than ever.
My Review
I honestly don't know where to start, this is a beautiful copy, mine has sprayed pages which is what drew me to the book, I am a sucker for sprayed pages. So Vampires, tick, romance and revenge it sounded like it had everything I could want. I don't really know what to say, it was very light on the vampire side to be honest to the point I felt they were incidental. Arthie Casimir owns a tearoom that cater to vampires at night, on the sneak. There is a big brutal boss who lords control and power over everything and now Arthie's tearoom is being threatened to be taken from her. With her bestie they embark on a mission with the help of others to do the undoable and take down the bad guy and save the tearoom.
I checked fantasticfiction and it is book one in a series but I feel like I was missing out on so much, Arthie does she have a back story of her own like a whole other book? The romance part again wasn't a huge play at all in the book the only thing that I would say was central and the plot was the revenge and everyone working together.
A mixed bunch of characters, secrets, lies, I would say more flirty and scorn than romance. The coconut thing I will let you read, discover and absorb yourself but that was another thing I was a bit like um ok? The book was ok, I didn't love it but did like some of the characters (Jin - I loved Jin) and interactions which makes it 3/5. Some folk seem to love this book, I think maybe the other series but give me a bit more - I just feel I was missing so much that maybe is why I didn't connect with the characters as much. The book has a map which is stunning, we do love a map.