Wednesday, 12 March 2025

A Tempest of Tea by Hafsah Faizal

A Tempest of Tea (Blood and Tea, #1)A Tempest of Tea by Hafsah Faizal
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Time taken to read - 2 days

Pages - 338

Publisher - First ink

Source - Bought

Blurb from Goodreads

Why save the world when you can have tea?

On the streets of White Roaring, Arthie Casimir is a criminal mastermind and collector of secrets. Her prestigious tearoom transforms into an illegal bloodhouse by dark, catering to the vampires feared by society. But when her establishment is threatened, Arthie is forced to strike an unlikely deal with an alluring adversary to save it—and she can’t do the job alone.

Calling on some of the city's most skilled outcasts, Arthie hatches a plan to infiltrate the sinister, glittering vampire society known as the Athereum. But not everyone in her ragtag crew is on her side, and as the truth behind the heist unfolds, Arthie finds herself in the midst of a conspiracy that will threaten the world as she knows it.

From the New York Times—bestselling author of We Hunt the Flame comes the first book in a hotly anticipated fantasy duology teeming with romance and revenge, led by an orphan girl willing to do whatever it takes to save her self-made kingdom. Dark, action-packed, and swoonworthy, this is Hafsah Faizal better than ever.

My Review

I honestly don't know where to start, this is a beautiful copy, mine has sprayed pages which is what drew me to the book, I am a sucker for sprayed pages. So Vampires, tick, romance and revenge it sounded like it had everything I could want. I don't really know what to say, it was very light on the vampire side to be honest to the point I felt they were incidental. Arthie Casimir owns a tearoom that cater to vampires at night, on the sneak. There is a big brutal boss who lords control and power over everything and now Arthie's tearoom is being threatened to be taken from her. With her bestie they embark on a mission with the help of others to do the undoable and take down the bad guy and save the tearoom.

I checked fantasticfiction and it is book one in a series but I feel like I was missing out on so much, Arthie does she have a back story of her own like a whole other book? The romance part again wasn't a huge play at all in the book the only thing that I would say was central and the plot was the revenge and everyone working together.

A mixed bunch of characters, secrets, lies, I would say more flirty and scorn than romance. The coconut thing I will let you read, discover and absorb yourself but that was another thing I was a bit like um ok? The book was ok, I didn't love it but did like some of the characters (Jin - I loved Jin) and interactions which makes it 3/5. Some folk seem to love this book, I think maybe the other series but give me a bit more - I just feel I was missing so much that maybe is why I didn't connect with the characters as much. The book has a map which is stunning, we do love a map.

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Monday, 10 March 2025

Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter

Pretty GirlsPretty Girls by Karin Slaughter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Time taken to read - in and out over 3 days

Pages - 432

Publisher -

Source - Bought

Blurb from Goodreads

Twenty years ago Claire Scott's eldest sister, Julia, went missing. No one knew where she went - no note, no body. It was a mystery that was never solved and it tore her family apart.

Now another girl has disappeared, with chilling echoes of the past. And it seems that she might not be the only one.

Claire is convinced Julia's disappearance is linked.

But when she begins to learn the truth about her sister, she is confronted with a shocking discovery, and nothing will ever be the same...

My Review

This is my first Karin Slaughter, it won't be the last, my goodness it is jaw dropping. We hear from Julia's father in journal like entries peppered through the book. Julia was the much loved older sister of Claire and Lydia who disappeared and her family never got over it. Claire is married and the book opens at a bar with her and her husband, they nip up a wee alley and the unthinkable happens. Lydia, her sister is a mum and couldn't be living a different life from Claire, Claire has money galore, Lydia is making ends meet and the girls haven't spoken in many years. Claire doesn't rock the boat, Lydia is firey and will kick off and say what needs said, when circumstances bring the two together the past can no longer stay in the past.

So guys there is a lot of shocking and shady stuff in this, predatory behaviour, really sick bad people, abuse, murder, SA, exploitation, secrets, lies and a family torn apart by the disappearance of their loved one and the past.

The book is really dark at times and just when you think it can't get any darker or shocking BAM, rug pulled out. I thought I had a dysfunctional family LOL. The depravity of some folk may make some scenes difficult to read but my God you will struggle to put this down. I know I have others of hers on my tbrm, we won't be leaving it so long to get to the next one, just need to find it/them on my five bookcases, 5/5.

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Tuesday, 4 March 2025

March Giveaway is now live

Happy March! I know March can be a difficult month with Mother's day looming, people struggle for different reasons. So our giveaway is a little something to try make that a wee bit easier. So what is up for grabs? Sneaky peak, oooh what is that?

This one will be open worldwide, we have a wee book/bookmark giveaway on our Instagram just now but that is UK only (hardback of Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros and x1 glow in the dark dragon bookmark).

So as pictured, x1 blanket, guys this is a wee tiny one, here is a pic of mine with a cushion to show just how small it is, my Luna (cat) loves it, it covers my legs, super soft but small. Please note the cushion is NOT part of the giveaway, just so you can see it is a small sized one.

A box of orange matchmakers.

A small completed print of Jack Skellington and Sally, trimmed, as pictured (it is quite small, put my hand in for scale).

A wee lipbalm


Just a wee bundle to make you smile.

To enter please use the Rafflecoper below, only fill in entries you have completed as they are verified upon a winner being generated. Please note we are seeing more and more scams, we will never ask you to click on links or any monetary/gifting requests. The competition is as for the items as shown, no exchanges. Open worldwide, good luck if entering.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Artificial Artifacts by John Fennec

Artificial ArtifactsArtificial Artifacts by John Fennec
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Time taken to read - in and out over Feb (our first readalong)

Pages - 308

Publisher - We Are White Fox

Source - Review copy for a readalong

Blurb from Goodreads

A visionary debut collection of eleven loosely interconnected short stories explores the rise of artificial intelligence and advanced technologies, revealing their profound impacts on human existence. This is not your typical sci-fi - it's an intricate puzzle. Can you solve the mystery that is Peter Byrell?

My Review

So I always say I am not overly a fan of short stories so it isn't often I will pick one up let along agree to read it. However the theme of AI absolutely drew me in, I blame Terminator and Sci Fi for getting into these types of themes. That, old horror movies and how reliant we are on technology these days like look how much our homes/lives use! Anyways back to the book. We kick off this debut meeting Peter Byrell via a memo or email to the company. Whilst Peter pops up in some of the eleven stories all have a theme linked in one way or another.

I think this would be a great book club/book group discussion as there is so much to unpack whether you go individually or as a collective whole. One that hit home was the newer type invention for a type of Fitbit if you like, no spoilers. That being said look how many of us use Fitbits, guilty here, what if we were offered something a bit more invasive, medical style. What if music and technology did more to our very beings, what if we were manipulated and didn't know the whole impact and or control?

The book raised a fair few questions, for me anyway and as I said we had a readalong with this one, our first ever doing that. The questions I posted on our Instagram so you can nosey yourself but it gave a bit more pause for thought for some of the stories. I got a wee bit Terminator vibes in some of them, others you couldn't help but question your own dependence/usage of technology. I did enjoy conspiracy themes, I love a good conspiracy theory myself so watching how characters reacted to situations, tech and even each other in these stories reeled you in!

I am finding the AI & advanced tech in stories are becoming more popular, art imitating life? A strong debut with a new take, characters woven into individual tales with some interloping - I found the last story nodding to the rest of the book was a nice touch, 4/5.

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Thursday, 27 February 2025

Leave No Trace by Jo Callaghan Blog Tour

Today is my stop on the blog tour for "Leave No Trace" by Jo Callaghan.

For my stop I have my review, non spoiler. The book is out to buy, LINK HERE for Amazon UK.

Leave No Trace (Kat and Lock, #2)Leave No Trace by Jo Callaghan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Time taken to read - as able over 3 days

Pages - 383

Publisher - Siimon & Schuster

Source - Bought

Blurb from Goodreads

DCS Kat Frank and AIDE Lock return in the provocative new thriller from the author of In the Blink of an Eye.

One detective driven by instinct, the other by logic.
It will take both to find a killer who knows the true meaning of fear . . .

When the body of a man is found crucified at the top of Mount Judd, AIDE Lock – the world’s first AI Detective – and DCS Kat Frank are thrust into the spotlight as they are given their first live case.

But with the discovery of another man’s body – also crucified – it appears that their killer is only just getting started. With the police warning local men to be vigilant, the Future Policing Unit is thrust into a hostile media frenzy as they desperately search for connections between the victims. But time is running out for them to join the dots and prevent another death.

My Review

This is book two in the Kat and Lock series, now I sometimes say you can pick up a book mid series and start but with this one, no go to book one. Purely because I do think you need the background, that knowledge and feel for how everything came together, working with the AI, dynamics within the team etc. So, previously we worked on a cold case, now we are getting to work with a live case, murder, graphic, brutal and it doesn't look like it is going to be a one off. With media watching, pressure building Kat needs to use AI to the fullest effect but it is difficult when people are turning on the thumbs screws (I think that is the expression).

Lock is evolving, book one he/it was brand new but in this book, along with the active investigation we see it gaining more insight. Like itself as we know it is super effective at information collation but this is more insight into itself as a "being". For me it had echoes of Johnny 5 and maybe Jarvis or as he became later, Vision - like not as advance or "living" as they were but as I say, echoes of that. We have ripples from things that happened in book one so again another reason to read that before this.

The murderer we hear from in alternating chapters so it is interesting (well I always thing so) to hear from their view point, selection and what is going on in their mind as they plan or go for their next chosen victim.

Kat is still dealing with her grief and trying to juggle the job, devotion to the job, being there for her son especially after everything he has endured so it is quite a busy book. Murder, investigation, personal lives, team dynamics, power struggles and the voice of the killer peppered throughout, 4/5.

I am very much looking forward to the next in the series and I would love to see Lock become more with personality development which I feel we did see snippets of in this book.

View all my reviews

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Forgotten Child by Katie Flynn

Forgotten ChildForgotten Child by Katie Flynn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Time taken to read - in and out over two days

Pages - 395

Publisher - Penguin books

Source - Review copy

Blurb from Goodreads

From Sunday Times bestselling author Katie Flynn, Forgotten Child is a heartbreaking, uplifting and totally transporting novel to curl up with by the fire.

Scotland, 1940: Isla Donaghue is just sixteen when her mother dies, and her idyllic life comes to an abrupt end. Unable to cope, Isla’s father sends her to the poorhouse when he joins the merchant navy.

Horrified at the harsh conditions of the poorhouse, Isla is determined to escape. Enlisting the help of her newfound friends Meg and Sophie, she devises a plan to flee to Liverpool.

Despite the difficulties of her new life and the dangers of the Luftwaffe, Isla falls in love for the first time. But her beau is not all that he seems… Will true love prevail or will secrets from the past put an end to their happiness?

Why readers love Katie Flynn...

'Takes you on a journey of heartbreak and joy'
'Hard to put down'
'Her characters are like old friends'
'Heartwarming romance'

My Review

Poor wee Isla, Scotland 1940 and she has had heartbreak (of the family loss kind) and now her da is taking her to a poor house. Isla is in for some cruelty and coldness but Isla is a plucky wee thing and makes a daring plan to break free. This is set during the war and as the girls leave one perilous environment they have to face the threats of war and matters of the heart.

Scotland and Liverpool, could you ask for two better places! Now this is a standalone and I have read a few of Flynn's books and I recognised a name or two from a previous book, I LOVE crossovers. It makes me want to buy up all the back ones and read them in order and of course hope she keeps the next one(s) in the same vein.

We find love, friendship, loss, betrayal and see the story of strength, personal growth, a splash of romance and the past catching up with the present. Skulduggery and shady characters as well as folk with hearts of gold and courage/strength. I think with these books the reason they are so good, not just how they are written obviously but you can slip from your own reality into theirs. Drama, abuse of power, harm to others and I do love a headstrong character who looks out for others, Isla is a fave for sure, 4/5 from us this time, roll on the next please!

View all my reviews

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros

Iron Flame (The Empyrean, #2)Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Time taken to read - in and out as able over 5 days

Pages - 640

Publisher -

Source - Bought

Blurb from Goodreads

“The first year is when some of us lose our lives. The second year is when the rest of us lose our humanity.” —Xaden Riorson

Everyone expected Violet Sorrengail to die during her first year at Basgiath War College—Violet included. But Threshing was only the first impossible test meant to weed out the weak-willed, the unworthy, and the unlucky.

Now the real training begins, and Violet’s already wondering how she’ll get through. It’s not just that it’s grueling and maliciously brutal, or even that it’s designed to stretch the riders’ capacity for pain beyond endurance. It’s the new vice commandant, who’s made it his personal mission to teach Violet exactly how powerless she is–unless she betrays the man she loves.

Although Violet’s body might be weaker and frailer than everyone else’s, she still has her wits—and a will of iron. And leadership is forgetting the most important lesson Basgiath has taught her: Dragon riders make their own rules.

But a determination to survive won’t be enough this year.

Because Violet knows the real secret hidden for centuries at Basgiath War College—and nothing, not even dragon fire, may be enough to save them in the end.

My Review

If you haven't read book one, do it then read this one as it is one of those series you absolutely need to know the history and backstory. So after the big reveal Violet and co need to appear as if all is normal and go back to school where everything kicks off. One teacher (lieutenant whatever his title is I call him teacher) clearly has something against Violet and pushes her through her paces. We jump between Violet and Xaden, Violet and co training, the new first years in the position Violet was and repercussions from that which passed in book one.

There is spicy scenes between Violent and Xaden, dragon dramas - I do LOVE Tairn's dry wit/humour and Andarna really comes into her own personality in this one, albeit in short parts. There is a lot of angst and back and forth between Violet and Xaden, trust issues (like more so than book one and a very different theme) which I think some folk will find a bit long in places.

It does have a lot of action, slow in some parts but I think if you are a huge fan you will be happy enough. Spice, emotive, jealousy, war threats and trials as with book one with threats of death if you fail (again like book one) but Violet and co are second years overseeing the first year hopefuls. Then having to do their own trials. Shady characters, some dodgy behaviours a hint of redemption maybe for some? Dun dun dun, 4/5 for us for this one, got book 3 on standby!

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