My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Blurb From Goodreads
The legendary Ebenezeer Scrooge sits in his house counting money. The boards that he has nailed up over the doors and the windows shudder and shake under the blows from the endless zombie hordes that crowd the streets hungering for his flesh and his miserly braaaaiiiiiinns! Just how did the happiest day of the year slip into a welter of blood, innards, and shambling, ravenous undead on the snowy streets of old London town? Will the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future be able to stop the world from drowning under a top-hatted and crinolined zombie horde? Was Tiny Tim's illness something infinitely more sinister than mere rickets and consumption? Can Scrooge be persuaded to go back to his evil ways, travel back to Christmas past, and destroy the brain stem of the tiny, irritatingly cheery Patient Zero?
My Review
Well it is an odd little story to say the least. At 153 pages it is a tad too long, I feel it started out decent and got a few smirks if not giggles but then it just went off into madness. The story follows loosely the original Christmas Carol (with the character Scrooge, Marley and the 3 ghosts) and then comes the zombies.
It isn't meant to be taken serious and I would think written for a laugh so don't pick it up with any real expectations however it does go quickly down a bizarre road. From meeting some big names ie Jack The Ripper and Dickens, to time travel and a new explanation about what Christmas really is about and how zombies fit into it all.
It has the gore for the hardcore zombie fans who expect nothing less but to be honest, other than that I wouldn't go into it looking for anything more as it offers little else. A promising start that quickly goes downhill, for me it was more so with the second ghost and his horrific murder of the english language. Sadly another 2/5 for me.

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