Monday 19 December 2011

Competitions winners are..........................

For the printed copies of the author giveaway

vivian walton

Mark Bridger

Mark Rewhorn

Rachel Craig

Vanessa Rozee

For the ebook copies

Valerie Hartley
laura stewart
Patricia Avery
kelly koya

For the black Kindle cover the winner is Maci234 and the white kindle cover is
Brit86. Maci234 I don't seem to have anyway to contact you, please message me your details so I can post the cover to you. If I haven't heard from you in a few days I will pick another winner, thank you.

Thank you so much to everyone who took part and apologies as I was meant to announce the winners on Saturday but it has just been so hectic with the run up to Christmas. I have sent the details on to the author for the Confessions Of A Corporate Slut and I will get the Kindle covers out as soon as I can.

Please remember Decembers pre-loved giveaway is still open so if you haven't already you can still enter for it.


  1. Aw Lainy thought I would win ;)

  2. Thank you Lainy! Have already recived my copy now, and look forward to reading it. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. got it brit86 and have sent you an email, deleted to protect your email addy from spam :)


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