My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Time taken to read - 1 day
Pages - 256
Publisher - Mills and Boon
Source - Book from subscription box
Blurb from Goodreads
From shy nurse…
To Christmas bride!
Darcey Howard has come to the beautiful seaside town of Seahaven for a fresh start. Working over Christmas in the children’s ward at Oceans House will help her forget her traumatic past. But her quiet, safe existence is shattered by gorgeous surgeon Daniel Osbourne. Enigmatic Daniel is the last man she should fall for, but he’s just too tempting to resist!
My Review
This is a Mills and Boon Medical fiction and the first I have read anything in this category. I was expecting something so very different to be honest. The medical stuff is very briefly brushed over and some of the inaccuracies irritated me, that is a small personal thing though.
Daniel Osbourne is a well sought after surgeon, brave, selfless, attractive and aloof. Darcy meets him on a train and then realises he is now going to be working with her. The attraction builds on both sides, everyone is rooting for Daniel to find someone, anyone and Darcy, sweet Darcy is perfect for him, things just need to stop getting in the way.
I really didn't love this at all and I so wanted to, my first romance for February, I always try and read some smoochy, romance books in Feb, the month of love. The problem was there wasn't really any if I am honest. They like each other but can't admit it, then then have a passionate smooch only for one of them to say something and pour cold water over the moment. They seem to sink quickly for each other but pull away with a wrong turn of phrase or misunderstanding. They don't have much communication of depth and the romance, for me, was almost non existent. You get a wee flash of something then it skips onto feelings of love but nothing really happened??? And I am normally not one to comment on sentence length, sure I can type and type as much as I talk without a full stop or comma. However some of the sentences went on for 5+ lines with a break for breath.
I have spoken to others who love these books as I have another four sitting in the wings and they said they aren't normally like this. You get depth, romance, relationships you can be vested in which I didn't get from this one sadly. It is a thin read and I think had the author made it a normal length novel we would have gotten so much more, courting, feelings, dialogue that went somewhere rather than tiny wee snippets. I just felt a scene would be starting to go somewhere then it would be over and something else happened with no reflection or depth on what happened. I will be checking out the other books as I have bought them and assured by other readers this isn't a representative of the others. I don't think it is a horrendous book by any means I just was left lacking by the scenes being so quickly cut off. The book has quick a few fans so please check it out, I may just be being a wee fussy nightmare and lets face it a book can be enjoyed or disliked depending on how the reader feels picking it up. Sadly 2/5 for me this time, I have read and enjoyed regular Mills and Boon before and hope my next step into the medical ones is better for me.

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