Last night we headed to Waterstones to see crime authors Kimberley Chambers and Anna Smith. The event was chaired by book blogger legend Sharon from Chapter in my Life, if you haven't checked her blog out, do so she is a cracker!

Chambers new book is The Sting and has stunning purple print page ridges (limited edition), I LOVE purple and you all know how much I love Chambers books so I cannot wait to get mine (on route, ordered December)! The Hit was Anna's Book on display but her newest book (due out this year) is Fight Back book 2 in the Kerry Casey series.

This is the second time I have seen these ladies together and they are great onstage together, both very different but it works and flows so well. With Sharon chairing the event it was just a natural flow, good chat, bantz, laughter and stories.

Chambers talked about the new book and the prequel to The Butler series which we are all gagging for and how this book is a bit different from her others but still with the heart of what she does best.

We got onto the subject of books making it to tv/movies and Anna admitted this is a dream for her. Chambers would rather be actively involved, have her say on how it is done, who would play the characters as only she knows exactly what they would look like. Smith wasn't as bothered about the control aspects of direction and choices but would love hers to be transformed onto the screen. Both discussed how long the actual process can be and had much praise for Martina Cole's adaptations, character choices and direction she had. I do love Cole but haven't seen any of her stuff on the screen, I aim to change this asap and apparently Tom Hardy is in one of them!

Both ladies signed books after the event finished, the hour went by in a flash, I could have listened all night and everyone echo'd those sentiments, the ladies are naturals!

Some of us nipped round to the pub nearby, had a wee drink and gab before we all headed off home. I cannot go on enough about how nice it is to meet very successful people who are just lovely and down to earth. Chambers is going to Harrogate this year. I have yet to go here, many of my fellow bloggers LOVE it and always have amazing stories, maybe this could be the year I make it. After going to Edinburgh book fest last year for the first time I find the idea less terrifying (now I know what a festival entails) and always good to know authors you enjoy reading will be attending. Smith's new book comes out this year too so once I have details for that I will tweet and hopefully get to go, shifts permitting.
You can follow the ladies (in a non stalker/creepy way lol) on Twitter:
Anna Smith's Facebook author page
Kimberley Chambers Facebook author page
I do like that Waterstones hold these events. Alas since our branch moved location its pretty much inaccessible to wheelchair users at the best of times.