My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Time taken to read - in and out over 3 days
Pages - 390
Publisher - Corgi Childrens
Source - Bought from an American bookstore
Blurb from Goodreads
Nicholas Flamel was born in Paris on 28 September 1330. Nearly seven hundred years later, he is acknowledged as the greatest Alchemyst of his day. It is said that he discovered the secret of eternal life. The records show that he died in 1418. But his tomb is empty and Nicholas Flamel lives. The secret of eternal life is hidden within the book he protects - the Book of Abraham the Mage. It's the most powerful book that has ever existed. In the wrong hands, it will destroy the world. And that's exactly what Dr. John Dee plans to do when he steals it. Humankind won't know what's happening until it's too late. And if the prophecy is right, Sophie and Josh Newman are the only ones with the power to save the world as we know it. Sometimes legends are true. And Sophie and Josh Newman are about to find themselves in the middle of the greatest legend of all time.
My Review
Josh Newman works in a bookstore with Nick Fleming alongside his wife. Josh's twin works in a wee cafe across the road, the twins are pretty close with their parents always working away on digs and what not. When a perfectly ordinary day turns into kidnap, monsters, magic and myths and legends that turn out to be true Josh and Sophie can't quite believe the new world they are in. Nick Fleming is none other than the famous Nicholas Flamel, the bad guys have stolen something and Nicholas must get it back or say goodbye to the world as we know it. Along for the ride are the twins and once they get their heads around the magic and danger they may need to accept another truth, one that could change their relationship forever.
Ahhhh I seen this book in a wee shop when on holiday in America, I was drawn to the cover and recognised the name Flamel from the Harry Potter movies. Once I read the blurb I figured I would give the book a bash, I really really liked it. Myths, legends, magic, relationships, friendship, bravery, deception ooft it has a bit of everything. Whilst is isn't Harry Potter it is a different slant on a world of magic and fabulousness and I just love stuff like that.
Danger, bravery, sacrifice, old feuds you name it we have a bit of everything, action pretty much from the opening chapters and it keeps up as it races along. I love the relationship between the twins and you aren't quite sure where it is going to go, then you think you have it worked out but no! I love when a book does that to you. A fantastic start to a new series and I have popped the next few books on my wishlist and if I don't get them for Christmas I will be buying them soon after. If you like magic mixed with some of our legends and myths I think you will really enjoy this book, we all need a wee bit of magic sometimes and this book is a great world to escape into, 4/5 for me this time. First dance with Scott it certainly won't be my last that is for sure!

This sounds like fun. As you mention, it also sounds creative and different. I tend to appreciate originality in a book. It also sounds like this will make a good series.