My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Time taken to read - in and out over 4 days
Pages - 177
Publisher - self
Source - Review Copy
Blurb from Goodreads
D/C Mike O’Shea, a young cop with a knack for working hard and following hunches, is on the verge of cracking a prostitution ring when an undercover from another unit burns him. With only days left before their pimps shuttle the girls out of the country, Mike pushes his team into overdrive. Hours later, with too little information, sleep, or luck, the unthinkable happens.
And now, the chase is personal.
In the first of the Mike O’Shea Crime Fiction Series, 10-33 Assist PC draws us into the dirty world of human trafficking through the eyes of the cops who put their lives on the line every day to shut it down. Written by a Real Detective, 10-33 Assist PC is the story of a cop who must decide how to move forward without forgetting the past.
Real Detective. Real Crime. Fiction.
My Review
We meet two of the Juvenile Prostitution Task Force, Mike and Sal who have a pretty horrendous job to do. Investigating the disappearance of young impressionable girls who are drawn into a dark and depraved world, often not to be seen again. Whilst chasing a lead on a missing kid they come up against another agency giving the reader an insight to just how many obstacles these guys face in house, on the streets, with the families, the list goes on, the danger is real!
Heads up, if swearing bothers you you will have an issue because Mike swears every other word, be it with other cops, families or suspects his mouth is going. Sal is a bit of a sweetie with a weakness for sunflowers seeds and leaving the shells around to get into everything, much to the rage of Mike. The two are a bit ying and yang but work well and it is sweet to see their relationship grow as they work together, eat together and bounce off one another.
The book itself has some humour depsite the darkness of some parts, we are dealing with sexual deviants exploiting kids/teens. As with most jobs that deal with dark sides of humanity humour is often used to deal with it. There are some really brutal and graphic scenes that send the reader on an emotive journey. I took a wee bit to settle into the book and them bam, about three quarters in, when I thought I knew where the book was going, the rug was pulled out from under me. I actually sat bolt upright and from then on I couldn't put the book down, I had to know where it was headed. I think this is a good foundation book, we have a good insight into the characters personalities, who they are and some big impacts to their lives. I look forward to seeing what the next book holds for these characters and what Ryan brings next, 3.5/5 for me this time. Thanks to Bakers Blog Tours for introducing me to a new author, I will be actively looking for their next offering.

It is a good thing that this was written by a real detective. Thad adds a lot of credibility to the story. I am also thinking that the grittiness that you mention would be necessary in a story like this. It would be the only way that it could be realistic.