Thursday 11 March 2021

Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer

Midnight Sun (Twilight, #5)Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Time taken to read - 2 days

Pages - 756

Publisher - ATOM

Source - Bought

Blurb from Goodreads

When Edward Cullen and Bella Swan met in Twilight, an iconic love story was born. But until now, fans have heard only Bella's side of the story. At last, readers can experience Edward's version in the long-awaited companion novel, Midnight Sun.

This unforgettable tale as told through Edward's eyes takes on a new and decidedly dark twist. Meeting Bella is both the most unnerving and intriguing event he has experienced in all his years as a vampire. As we learn more fascinating details about Edward's past and the complexity of his inner thoughts, we understand why this is the defining struggle of his life. How can he justify following his heart if it means leading Bella into danger?

My Review

Guys this is absolutely a marmite book, I have seen such split reviews at very opposite ends of the spectrum. Also, despite being a chonky almost 800 pages this book ONLY covers book ONE from Edwards point of view. Everything we read in book one was from Bella's point of view this is all Edward. We have a lot of his thoughts and feelings around what is happening at any given time which was a bug bear with some but I really liked that.

The book also offers some information into some of the other characters and I genuinely hope if she brings out the other books to match the originals she keeps this vein where we learn more about the other characters. Meyers gives us in Edward what E L James didn't with Christian, he is very focused on her, her safety and of course he loves her.

I loved these books when they first came out and they are about a "teen" couple so there is angst but the original books had that too. I was surprised how little Jacob was mentioned, I think over 200 pages has passed before we hear him mentioned and not much after that. As I said the book is very marmite, I happened to really enjoy it and hope she does the rest of them. If I hadn't been feeling so crap I could have sank this in one sitting, 4/5 for me this time.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure if I could really get into this since I read the first books so long ago and have pretty much had my fill of vampire stories. Besides, I was always "Team Jacob". ;)


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