Tuesday 12 March 2019

A wee extra giveaway

March can be a hard month for many of us, everywhere you look there is a reference to Mother's day which is hard for some for different reasons. So, RAK's (Random Acts of Kindness) always makes me feel happy and better so I thought I would do another wee giveaway.

Sorry I know this piccy is blurry but she looks cute so I am using it

Up for grabs is, as pictured, a wee brand new travel case, if has a wee compartment for your toothbrush and room for your liquids, sponge etc. A box of mint matchmakers and a wee face mask, peel off.

I will open this up worldwide, I know most of you guys follow the account(s) on the options available so you just need to fill in which entries suit you. Rafflecopter as usual, good luck all.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Lainy, thank you very much for this darling giveaway! :)

  2. Hi Lainy. I found out about the giveaway c/o your email


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