Friday 8 September 2017

Book event - Games People Play by Owen Mullen

So I have the book on my TBRRM (to be read review mountain) and have a fair few in front of it, however after attending the event I think I need to do a big of rejigging.

Owen was interviewed by the lovely Sharon Bairden from the blog "Chapter in my life" if you like crime and haven't read her reviews, please nip over for a visit. I also met some lovely folks from The Crime Book Club on Facebook and TBConFB. I met the lovely Andrew from CBC and found out he has a blog, Book n beer which is a fantastic idea, recommending a book AND a beer! And if that wasn't enough the lovely James who works in Waterstones is back working at the store.

Sharon had some belting questions for Owen and then opened it up to the audience, I got a wee video and uploaded it to my Instagram

Owen told us about his journey from independently published to being picked up by a publisher, his football team, a wee bit of his history and his experience with a negative, short and hillarious "review".

And here is Princess Trixie with Owen's book, will post my review once I get around to reading it. If you haven't been to a book event or an author event at Waterstones I highly recommend it!.


  1. Fun photo post! Princess Trixie is looks so sweet.

  2. I love the idea of book n beer. I really need to check that out.

    Princess Trixie is vey cool :)


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