My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Time Taken To Read - 1 day
Blurb From Goodreads
At just five years old, Dana Fowley learned that there was no one she could trust and nowhere she could escape to. She and her younger sister endured years of terrible abuse, subjected day after day to unimaginable attacks, and not only did their own mother do nothing to protect them, she willingly helped. Dana’s lifelong suffering was at last revealed in a high-profile court case when she bravely faced her demons.
My Review
I have read a few of these true life survivor books and this one will stay with me for a long time. Two little girls used and abused horrifically by the one person in the world they should have been safe with and protect them. I think these books are always hard to read but this one more so (for me anyway) because the predator and enabler was the mother and that just is unthinkable.
Dana takes us through her childhood to adulthood and all the horrors she encounters, some of it is very hard to read and disturbing. A very powerful read taking you on a journey of how a little girl got through and survived horrors you can only imagine to being an adult and taking the offenders to court.
I think she was very brave to write this book, to expose what she went through in the hope of giving courage and make a path for others to come forward and show it isn't easy but you can do it and bring them to justice. 3/5 for me this time.

This sounds so sad, I don't think I'd be able to read this one myself.