My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Time Taken To Read - 1 day
Blurb From Amazon
Poesy Wharton is a twenty something waitress whose life appears to be going nowhere until a mysterious stranger named Adam Walker enters Paddy's Bar, the small town dive where she works. When bad things start to happen including the murder of another local waitress, Poesy finds herself on a dangerous path - falling for a man she barely knows and whose very existence will challenge the world as she knows it.
My Review
Poesy is our main character, a waitress in a small town on the island where everyone knows everyone's business. She has a mundane routine until a stranger comes into the diner and slowly life as she knows it changes. Adam isn't like anyone Poesy has ever met and before too long she finds out this is an understatement and everything she thought she knew will change.
I didn't warm to Poesy at all, she acts like a confused mixed emotion teen despite being in her early 20s, is wreckless and irresponsible(drink driving for a start!). In fact, the first almost 200 pages, a lot of it surrounds her relationships with the towns people and friends and her dilemmas with who she likes and what ifs. I didn't get into the book and gripped by it until hitting about 200 pages in when Adam really came into play and more was revealed about his character.
It is an original idea and I love the potential for the story and Adam but there was so many questions left unanswered and I do hate that. I know this is the first in a series so I am hoping Poesy grows up a bit, the questions and incidents are explained and the focus is put on Adam who really I feel should be our main character (I would love to read more about him!). Really good for a first attempt and whilst people like mystery and cliff hangers I would like to see book 1s mysteries cleared up and addressed in book 2. 3/5 for me and I would try this author again, if your looking for something a little different then this might be right up your street.
Thanks so much to the author for giving me the opportunity to read and review their work.

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