Tuesday 24 April 2012

WBN Giveaway - Winners are.......

Geoff Leone (no website given) and Rochelle Benson (no website given).
Both winners have been notified and if the prizes aren't claimed I will pick new winners. Thank you to everyone who took part and I hope you had a nice World Book Night, if you did anything for it please feel free to share it with us.
Apologies this is later in the day going up but blogger has had a makeover and I am trying to get to grips with the format and layout changes ( I do loathe change!).


  1. Hi Lainy

    I like your blog. Wish I has come across you in Glasgow, giving away books!

  2. Replies
    1. Hi I am so pleased that I won the book. I did send an email to you Lainy saying thank you. I don't know how to post a message on here.

      Also thanks to Naida.


      Rochelle Benson

  3. I have just worked out how to send a message on here finally.


    Rochelle Benson

  4. I am really pleased I won a book.

    Thanks again Lainy.

    Also thanks to Naida.


    Rochelle Benson


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