My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Time taken to read - 2 days
Pages - 380
Publisher - Little Brown & Co
Source - Bought
Blurb from Goodreads
Harry Bosch has been given three years before he must retire from the LAPD, and he wants cases more fiercely than ever. In one morning, he gets two.
DNA from a 1989 rape and murder matches a 29-year-old convicted rapist. Was he an eight-year-old killer or has something gone terribly wrong in the new Regional Crime Lab? The latter possibility could compromise all of the lab's DNA cases currently in court.
Then Bosch and his partner are called to a death scene fraught with internal politics. Councilman Irvin Irving's son jumped or was pushed from a window at the Chateau Marmont. Irving, Bosch's longtime nemesis, has demanded that Harry handle the investigation.
Relentlessly pursuing both cases, Bosch makes two chilling discoveries: a killer operating unknown in the city for as many as three decades, and a political conspiracy that goes back into the dark history of the police department.
My Review
Bosch is back, working cold cases with his partner Chu, DROP (Deferred Retirement Option Plan) and applying for time before having to take actual retirement. When given a case that has some very weird hits Harry is ready to dig and examine everything, regardless of where it takes them, cause that is Harry. Then a spanner is in the works, he is ordered to focus on a live case, high profile and the orders are from high up, from a guy who has been hell bent of causing Bosch no end of crap. Is it suicide? Is it murder? Bosch is set to find the answers whilst pondering why his arch enemy, councilman Irvin, has requested, ordered Bosch to investigate.
Love Bosch, he is a good guy, he is a man on a mission - goes through everything no matter what the end leads to. We also see the family man side of him, I haven't read all of the previous Bosch books and do want to catch up, but this book sees his relationship with his daughter as a sideline to the main stories.
The book focuses on two cases, the new fresh one, was it murder? was it suicide? and the old one with DNA of someone who couldn't possibly be responsible. It is such a good story, pacey, shocking, twists and turns, rug pulled out from under you - well it did me. Bosch is a great character, I need to catch up with the others from the series and I hear there is a tv show too! 4/5 for me this time, keeps ya on your toes!

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I've never read a Harry Bosch novel, but I love the Jazz number entitled "Blues for Harry Bosch" performed by saxophonist Grace Kelly.
ReplyDeleteNot an author, books or even a tv series I'm familiar with. I must admit the GoodReads Blurb didn't shout 'read me' but then your review made me think this might be a book I'd enjoy after all.