My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Time taken to read - 2 days
Pages - 400
Publisher - Simon & Schuster UK
Source - Amazon
Blurb from Goodreads
Behind every successful man is a woman.
Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman.
Sophie Mayhew looks like she has the perfect life. Wife of rising political star John F Mayhew, a man who is one step away from the top job in the government, her glamour matches his looks, power, breeding and money. But John has made some stupid mistakes along the way, some of which are threatening to emerge. Still, all this can still be swept under the carpet as long as Sophie 'the trophy' plays her part in front of the cameras.
But the words that come out of Sophie’s mouth one morning on the doorstep of their country house are not the words the spin doctors put in there. Bursting out of the restrictive mould she has been in since birth, Sophie flees to a place that was special to her as a child, a small village on the coast where she intends to be alone.
But once there, she finds she becomes part of a community that warms her soul and makes her feel as if she is breathing properly for the first time. Sophie knows she won't be left in peace for long. Now she must decide: where does her real future lie?
My Review
Sophie Mayhew is the wife of up anfd coming politician, golden boy and earmarked to be the biggest thing in politics. Sophie is pretty much a trophy wife, smile on command, look perfect and keeps John up to date with what he needs to know, she is the good woman behind the "powerful" man. When scandal breaks and John pushes Sophie one step too far she needs time away, from the limelight, public scrutiny and above all, her husband. Sophie runs off and takes time in a quiet wee village to put herself together and discover what matters to Sophie and where is she going to go from here!
Oh we all know how dodgy folk in politics can be, scandals and speculation from the public, John is everything we suspect and hate. Self obsessed, he will stop at nothing to stay in the top, exploitation, he is always above everyone and everything. God I haven't disliked a character more in so long, the guy is scum.
Sophie is pretty naive and I felt so sorry for her, Pom on the other hand, LOVED Pom and almost all the folk we meet in the village. It is a story that looks at the corruption of humanity, the bad sides and the good.
I do love sinking into a Johnson book, whether you love or hate the characters (and you usually get a mix of both) you can't help but be drawn in, root for those you like and wish the plague on those you hate. 4.5/5 for me this time, I have read most of her books and need to check the ones I haven't yet.

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This book sounds absorbing. Its title is unique and appealing. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it, Lainy! I'm in awe of the number of books you read.
ReplyDeleteIt's great to have a good author like that! Not sure I know about her