Tuesday 22 March 2022

How to be a Boss at Ageing: Real advice on how to navigate and embrace midlife by Anniki Sommerville

How to be a Boss at Ageing: Real advice on how to navigate and embrace midlifeHow to be a Boss at Ageing: Real advice on how to navigate and embrace midlife by Anniki Sommerville
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Time taken to read - in and out over 3 months

Pages - 289

Publisher - Thread Books

Source - Review copy

Blurb from Goodreads

Do you find yourself fighting the urge to go to bed at 8pm? Do you look at your laughter lines and wonder what was ever so funny? Do you listen to the charts and not have a clue who’s singing? Do images of celebrities over forty in swimsuits just make you want to drink more wine?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then this is the book for you.

Funny, honest, and packed with advice, this is a must-read for any woman experiencing – and not particularly relishing – the effects of ageing. Anniki Sommerville shares her own experiences with those of other women as well as advice from experts – Sali Hughes, Cariad Lloyd, Meg Mathews, Emma Gannon and Dr Karen Gurney among others – to help you navigate this journey (condensed)

My Review

This is my first book by this author, I think we all hit a stage in life where we start reading more books like this. Sommerville takes us through a very personal and honest journey of the stages of her life, experiences we all can relate to or know is headed our way.

I think the thing about this book is as women we got through similar experiences, journeys, pathways albeit we each have different responses, emotions but we can identify with each of them. When Sommerville talks about hers she gives very honest insight into hers, discussions of sex, drugs, alcohol, doubts, fears. Things she experienced at work, what she saw as personal failures or challenges in her personal life and professional.

The book isn't just a woo is me or a personal offload although she does talk very frankly open and honest about so much of her life/stages. She gives advise including some from professionals and touches on some emotive topics. Menopause and how to cope, fertility issues, relationship issues, work, friendships, death, grief, loss, love.

It is a lot to cover and depending on your life a lot to digest, personal/past experiences may *trigger* some responses from your life. I found myself putting it down to digest and think about what I had read, in between other books, then go back and do the same with the next chapter, 3.5/5 for me this time. It was an interesting read, I am finding myself drawn to more non fiction books these days.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a refreshingly frank and candid book. As a woman of a 'certain age' I'm not sure if I'd appreciate this or not.


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