My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Time taken to read - 2 days
Pages - 244
Publisher - Simon & Schuster
Source - Bought
Blurb from Goodreads
Critical is an intelligent, compelling and profoundly insightful journey into the world of intensive care medicine and the lives of people who have forever been changed by it.
Being critically ill means one or more of your vital organs have failed – this could be your lungs, your heart, your kidneys, gut or even your brain. Starting with the first recognised case in which a little girl was saved by intensive care in 1952 in Copenhagen, Matt writes brilliantly about the fascinating history, practices and technology in this newest of all the major medical specialties. Matt guides us around the ICU by guiding us around the body and the different organs, and in this way, we learn not only the stories of many of the patients he’s treated over the years, but also about the various functions different parts of the body.
He draws on his time spent with real patients, on the brink of death, and explains how he and his colleagues fight against the odds to help them live. Happily many of his cases have happy endings, but Matt also writes movingly about those cases which will always remain with him – the cases where the mysteries of the body proved too hard to solve, or diagnoses came too late or made no difference to the outcome.
My Review
True stories from doctor Matt Morgan, what it is like to work in intensive care, some of the patients stories and journeys. There are so many of these types of books out just now covering the medical profession, behind the scenes, heart breaking journeys of patients.
This book is a bit different as we get a lot of the background on the medical, how we have the service and procedures we do now. I think for some this may be a bit much but I really enjoyed it, I love reading about medical history and how far we have come along in our knowledge and techniques. I think it is a very important book, tomorrow is never guaranteed and you can never imagine the journey some folk endure both as patients and family of loved ones who experience horrific accidents or when their body fails them.
We get a walk through some of Morgan's patients, their recovery and for some of the ones who didn't make it. Emotive, shocking, educational, shocking, heartbreaking - I can't recommend these true stories/healthcare enough, 4/5 for me this time.

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