My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Time taken to read - 2 days
Pages - 382
Publisher - Trapeze
Source - Review copy
Blurb from Goodreads
Tense, gripping and with a twist you won't see coming, Sharon Bolton is back in an explosive new standalone thriller about a woman on the run in The Split.
No matter how far you run, some secrets will always catch up with you...
The remote Antarctic island of South Georgia is about to send off its last boat of the summer – which signifies safety to resident glaciologist Felicity Lloyd.
Felicity lives in fear – fear that her ex-husband Freddie will find her, even out here. She took a job on this isolated island to hide from him, but now that he's out of prison, having served a term for murder, she knows he won’t give up until he finds her.
But a doctor delving into the background of Felicity and Freddie's relationship, back in Cambridge, learns that Felicity has been on the edge for a long time. Heading to South Georgia himself to try and get to her first is the only way he can think of to help her.
My Review
Felicity has been on the run for a year, from Freddie, her husband. No matter when Felicity runs, no matter how far she goes Freddie always finds her. She has scars galore, she is skittish, frightened and gaps in her memory. We open with her at her dream job, studying glaciers surrounded by beautiful animals and sights, the middle of nowhere and yet Freddie has found her. The timeline flips back to nine months earlier and we get to know Felicity a bit more and meet characters Shane and Joe.
Joe is a therapist, Felicity has lapses of memory ?Shane is a dodgy character, how does it all fit in? The book is a bit like an onion, secrets and reveals as we get deeper into the story. A game of cat and mouse, poor Felicity is stalked, her body is stressed out and she keeps ending up in dodgy predicaments. She knows bad stuff has happened - everything centers around Freddie, Joe wants to work with her through her trauma/amnesia but Felicity just wants to run.
Certainly different from her normal writing and different from many of the thriller types I have read. Atmospheric, dangerous, shocking and a huge lesson of why we cannot run from our past - it always catches up with us and often with shocking consequences. 4/5 for me this time, shocking with themes of mental health, abuse, violence, death with a few others but we don't do spoilers. A page turner, enjoy!

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