My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Time taken to read - 1 day
Pages - 400
Publisher - Head of Zeus
Source - Bought
Blurb from Goodreads
The girl had been staring into her mirror all morning before she picked up the small bottle of sulphuric acid and poured it over her forehead.
Samira was a young woman with her whole life ahead of her. What could have brought her to this? DC Jerry Pardoe and DS Jamila Patel of Tooting Police suspect it's suicide. But then a meek husband kills his wife, and the headteacher of the local school throws her pupils out of a window. It's no longer a random outbreak of horrific crimes. It's a deadly virus. And it's spreading. Somehow, ordinary Londoners are being infected with an insatiable lust to murder. All of the killers were wearing second-hand clothes. Could these garments be possessed by some supernatural force?
The death count is multiplying. Now Jerry and Jamila must defeat the ghost virus, before they are all infected...
'One of the most original and frightening storytellers of our time' PETER JAMES.
My Review
The opening chapter is pretty shocking, self harm so brutal it has a police investigation looking into if someone else if responsible. It is just the beginning, folk behaving in horrific violent ways, murder, referring to a second self. Whatever it is, it is happening more often, the police are puzzled and as they start digging they can't quite believe what they are uncovering.
Supernatural, graphic, gruesome, horrific - certainly a new turn on horror with a mix of human brutality. It makes for an interesting read and I think as the story unravels folk will find it a bit marmite. I enjoyed i for what it was but didn't love it. I do enjoy the writers style and will absolutely read more of his stuff.
Perfect for a horror/October/Halloween type read, suspend reality and sink in for some seriously messed up behaviour, 3/5 for me this time.

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