My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Time taken to read - really 1 day
Pages - 368
Publisher - Trapeze
Source - ARC
Blurb from Goodreads
A story about love, loss and finding hope-against all odds.
Rob Coates can't believe his luck. There is Anna, his incredible wife, and most precious of all, Jack, their son, who makes every day an extraordinary adventure. Rob feels like he's won the lottery of life. Or rather-he did. Until the day it all changes when Anna becomes convinced there is something wrong with Jack.
Now Rob sleepwalks through his days, unable to bridge the gulf that separates him from his wife, his son and the business of living. But he's determined to come to terms with what's happened-and find a way back to life, and forgiveness.
We Own the Sky will resonate with anyone who has ever suffered loss or experienced great love. Luke Allnutt shows that the journey from hope to despair and back is never as simple as we think, and that even the most thoroughly broken heart can learn to beat again.
My Review
Rob Crowe is going through his life in a haze of booze, regret and just trying to get through one day at a time. We meet him as he is about to enter a reflective phase and journey of self discovery, we head back to how he met his wife to be and their life together.
Oh you guys, folk said you need tissues for this one, aye ok I have a swinging brick so wasn't phased. Only two books really evoked tears from me in all my years of reading, ooft notable lump in my throat for this. Just reading the authors intro smacks you in the emotionals and then we head into the story. For the first wee bit we are getting current state of affairs then heading back to how they met and their relationship beginnings. I couldn't see where all the emotional warnings where coming from and I hadn't really read the blurb, silly Lainy!
This is a story of one guys journey with hope, despair, misery, self growth, love, honesty, emotion and healing. Some parts of the story will pull the rug right out from under you and I think depending on your life stories and experiences, different parts will affect you differently. I really liked the honesty of, the humanity captured with some of the characters brutal raw responses to the things that happen to him. I would also like to comment on the smaller details described in a very real way, the description of someones breath, out of context doesn't mean much. However when you read it within the chapter, especially if you have been in a similar situation, it brings a level of realism to a scene that if often brushed over or skipped completely. Maybe because of the authors own experiences can he create such a realistic environment however it is testament to the ability of his writing he can bring it alive on the pages.
Had time allowed, I would have read this in one sitting, approach with caution as this book will wipe out your day when you really get into it. It covers some topics that absolutely will be emotive and possibly triggers for some readers, it is hard to give fair warning without giving spoilers. What I will say is there are topics surrounding health, healthcare, family and marriage and it is a read that takes you on an emotional rollercoaster. 4/5 for me this time, I will be watching for more from this author, not sure this is one I would have picked up myself. I am so glad I was asked on the blog tour and absolutely recommend it to pretty much everyone, grab tissues, chocolates and a spare afternoon and you are set!

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