Sunday 30 August 2015

Giveaway linked with Book Connectors Tour - Holly's Christmas Kiss by Alison May

Today is my turn for the first leg of the book tour with TripFiction and BookConnectors. If you missed it, here is my post with Q&A with Alison May and a wee bit about what the tour is all about.

Here is my review of Holly's Christmas Kiss by Alison May. I bought this book as I hate doing any kind of interview or anything without having read the author myself, this is my first tour ever.

As a result I have decided to do a wee giveaway to link in with it, well that and the fact I posted my part a wee bit later than I meant to, I slept for 13 hours :O and posted a wee bit later than had planned.

Anyways, the giveaway is for an Amazon voucher to cover the cost of the ebook of Holly's Christmas Kiss, it is a novella and a nice wee read. The competition is only live for a few days, once done if you are selected the winner, I will email you the voucher for the value of £1.25 which is what the book price is at the time of posting.

As it is an ebook, the only requirements you need to enter is you follow the option(s) provided in the Rafflecopter, the more you complete the more entries you have. Open to all, good luck and as always, thank you for stopping by.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Ooh definitely a book that I'll add to those I'd like to read for this years Christmas Spirit Reading Challenge - I'm only hoping it is also available in print.


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