Friday 6 September 2024

A Mother's Struggle by Kitty Neale

Time taken to read - < 1 day
Pages - 378
Publisher - Avon books
Source - RAK/fairy
Blurb from Goodreads
When Pearl's ex-husband Kevin was sent to prison she left her old life in Battersea behind, determined to protect her son from the truth about his father. But when her dear friend Bessie dies, she is forced to return to the one place she'd rather forget.

While Pearl makes plans to take over Bessie's shop, Kevin is released from jail and begins to swindle his parents for money. Once he gets what he wants, he'll soon be after his child.

Pearl will do whatever it takes to keep her boy out of his father's reach - but will it be enough?

My Review

We have read a fair few of Neale's books so I could have sworn I recognised the characters and maybe they do pop up in the other books as passing characters. I checked and according to Fantasticfiction it is a standalone and previously published under another name. Anyways, Pearl left Battersea after things had gone wrong for her and it is a small town and scandal tends to follow you forever, noone forgets. When circumstances mean Pearl, her husband and kid have to go back she knows she can't keep the past from her child, much as she wants to protect him. Especially when his biological father, Kevin, a wrong yin, is getting out of jail and towns folk gossip. Kevin protrays himself as a man of God now, changed and willing to mend his ways but not only has Kevin not changed but he has plans that will forever change all of their lives.

Ooooh guys, the things with these books are we get characters who, love or hate them, you can't stop reading. Kevin's mum has issues with her mental health and she is also quite a devious woman whose no.1 priority is her angel of a son. The things that she will say and do is nothing short of wicked and she isn't the only one who is shady. We also meet some violent men who have money, muscle, weapons and will do what they need to to protect what they feel is theirs.

Violence, death, threats, secrets, lies, poisoned tongued people ooft it is a mixed bag or questionable morals, aggression and choices that affect not just the people making them. We also see the good side of people and I think that is why it is so easy to loose yourself in this type of book. You have the mundane every day issues/things/small town setting/gossip but then the darker side, manipulation, threats, aggression, violence etc. We have read a few of Neale's and have some more on our TBRM and will eventually get the whole back catalogue, 4/5 for us this time..

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