Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Rich Hall event

We went to Aberdeen to see Rich Hall with my o/h and his brother.

That is a list of his previous and upcoming gigs.

It was queued around the corner and hosted in the wee town hall.

I had never heard of Rich Hall but we seen him when we were in Las Vegas at The Laughter Factory, he is hillarious, a comedian and does country music songs/humour and makes up songs with information he gets from people in the crowd.

An unexpected surprise was he also had a book on sale, he wrote it during lockdown, "Nailing It" and we also got a CD free with that.

His co star joined him for a few numbers & he obviously did his solos.

His wife was at the start with the table selling the books and so friendly, making sure folk knew to come back after and get it signed and chat to him.

It was a great night, I would absolutely got see him again and wish I had known about the tour earlier.

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