My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Time taken to read - 1 day
Pages - 418
Publisher - Del Rey
Source - friend sent me
Blurb from Goodreads
How far would you go to find The One?
A simple DNA test is all it takes. Just a quick mouth swab and soon you’ll be matched with your perfect partner the one you are genetically made for.
That’s the promise made by Match Your DNA. A decade ago, the company announced that they had found the gene that pairs each of us with our soul mate. Since then, millions of people around the world have been matched. But the discovery has its downsides: test results have led to the breakup of countless relationships and upended the traditional ideas of dating, romance and love.
Now five very different people have received the notification that they’ve been “Matched.” They’re each about to meet their one true love. But “happily ever after” isn’t guaranteed for everyone. Because even soul mates have secrets. And some are more shocking than others…
A word-of-mouth hit in the United Kingdom, The One is a fascinating novel that shows how even the simplest discoveries can have complicated consequences.
My Review
Mandy, Christopher, Jade, Nick and Ellie are our main characters and we alternate bouncing between them and chapters. The One is around everyone being able to swab and send off your DNA and you are notified when they find The One, you exact DNA match. You have to pay to get their details and there have been mixed reactions. Happy couples split up, families torn apart and your match isn't always your matched gender. We see the book follow the stories of the five main characters and how taking the test & finding their The One impacts on their lives.
So if that wasn't enough to wet your whistle one of them is a murderer, serial killer, brutally murders women purely for his own kicks, the women doesn't even get names because it is their routine/accessibility that matters to him so he can fulfil his sick urges.
The book centres around relationships and how finding your "The One" can impact your life, some get their happy ever after, some will never be the same and how would something like this impact on a sociopathic serial killer.
My reading mojo is a bit up and down, I read this in one day, I do like Marrs writing, he makes some of the most shocking characters, shady people and scenarios, car crash style you struggle to look away from. I am super nosey so when I get interested in a story line I just want to sink into it and see where it goes. Short chapters too which always makes me happy especially if you are struggling with your concentration, 4/5.

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