My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Time taken to read -
Pages - 479
Publisher - Gallery books
Source - bought
Blurb from Goodreads
In the venerable history of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, only one male has ever been expelled—but Murhder’s insanity gave the Brothers no choice. Haunted by visions of a female he could not save, he nonetheless returns to Caldwell on a mission to right the wrong that ruined him. However, he is not prepared for what he must face in his quest for redemption.
Dr. Sarah Watkins, researcher at a biomedical firm, is struggling with the loss of her fellow scientist fiancé. When the FBI starts asking about his death, she questions what really happened and soon learns the terrible truth: Her firm is conducting inhumane experiments in secret and the man she thought she knew and loved was involved in the torture.
As Murhder and Sarah’s destinies become irrevocably entwined, desire ignites between them. But can they forge a future that spans the divide separating the two species? And as a new foe emerges in the war against the vampires, will Murhder return to his Brothers... or resume his lonely existence forevermore?
My Review
So this is book 17 in the series, you don't have to have read all the previous ones however it does help as there is so much going on and back stories with the characters. We had seen Murhder referred to previously, he is no longer in the brotherhood and had some problems with his mental health but we don't know everything just he has a history with Xhex John's good lady. Introducing Dr. Sarah Watkins, her partner died she flung herself into work and now that work has brought her into the way of danger and the path of the unthinkable........vampires.
This book gives us a lot of what we have come to expect, there is passion, erotica (graphic adult scenes so not for the easily offended), relationships, cross over of the human into the vampire circle. We learn more about Murhder's back story (did I say that I feel like I said that). There is an interesting look at the cruelty of humans, study of vampires and we touched on this previously in another book in the series.
Love story, violence, family, history, vampires still battling the Lessers but from the previous book we know we also now have a new enemy. For this book, whilst I think this one took a wee bit to get into its groove it is a good part of the series and a few more bits filled in.
The way we rounded out I am looking forward to the next book that picks this thread up, sometimes the book brings in a new character to our established ones and hopefully book 18 picks up where we left this one off, 4/5 for me.

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