My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Time taken to read - 1.5 days
Pages - 416
Publisher - Ebury Press
Source - The Works (I think)
Blurb from Goodreads
As bombs begin to fall, her strength will be tested...
A newly qualified nurse, Theda Wearmouth is delighted to gain a place at Newcastle Hospital. But the onset of war brings tragedy when her young soldier boyfriend is killed in action before he can make good on his promise to marry her.
Broken-hearted, Theda finds herself re-assigned to a special unit of the hospital dealing with German prisoners of war. Her duty is clear. But will she be able to cope with nursing the very men her fiancé died fighting...?
My Review
I went into this thinking it was going to be one of those books with a big focus on the nursing side, it really isn't. Don't get me wrong it does mention nursing, some of it takes part in a hospital and the main character does train to and become a nurse however the central focus is relationships.
Theda Wearmouth trains to be a nurse, she has a boyfriend who is off to war and dies before they can be married. Theda is distraught but focuses on her career and has no intention of looking for anyone else but you know the way life plays it's hand, when you aren't looking you find someone. As a result Theda's life changes completely and she tries to deal with the hand fate has given her whilst keeping true to her focus, her career. Set during world war two there are many issues, poverty, danger, death, romance, family, ideas on what a young woman should do and how she should behave. Nursing prisoners of war, hospital life during that time period and of course Theda's romantic interests.
I did like the book it just wasn't what I was expecting. It makes you think about life and times of that period in history, the choices and sacrifices women had to make. 3.5/5 for me this time, I think this was my first time reading this author, I would read her again.

Lainy, this sounds like an interesting story. I'm glad you enjoyed this.