My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Time Taken To Read - 1 day
Blurb From Amazon
As your husband grieves his mistress, You find yourself falling for the family she left behind. But she hid secrets that will destroy him...or you. Do you tell? I m going to die as punishment for all the bad things I ve done... You are on duty in the emergency room when, despite your desperate effort, the victim of a gunshot wound loses her life. She is Annie O Neill. The same woman your husband is in love with... Olivia can't watch any longer as her husband - the father of her unborn child - grieves his adulteress. She can t bear the faces who judge her professionalism and brand her guilty. She can let it drive her mad, or compete with the wake of perfection Annie has left behind. Stepping into Annie s shoes, Olivia finds another life. One with an adoring husband and troubled young daughter. But the façade is cracking with every step she takes. Because Annie s life was built on secrets...ones that will destroy everyone she left behind.
My Review
From reading the blurb on the back I knew I had to get this book. Imagine being an a&e doctor in a small town when a gunshot victim comes in. You have to make some risky and quick decisions and then you realize this is the lady who has come between you and your husband, her life is in your hands. When Olivias husband hears of his other womans death he can't take it and leaves his wife, utterly distraught and heartbroken. Olivia wants him back and sets about finding out what is so special about the woman who ruined her marriage. Her journey finds secrets that could tear lives apart, she learns new insights about herself and makes new friends and enemies along the way.
I went through the motions with this book, I went from liking Olivia to thinking she was pathetic and acting like a door mat. The more you get into the story the more you uncover about the characters and why they have behaved as they did. There is a lot of concealed back story that doesn't come out immediately but is tantalizingly revealed as the story unfolds.
The characters are very well done and one or two tends to stay with you. The story flips from present day to the past to clarify some of the story but it is done in a way that is very easy to follow. There is some sex scenes in the book but nothing too over the top and it is relevant to the part of the story and to emphasize the relationship and feelings. I thought this was a fantastic read and have already gotten some more from the same author, 5/5 for me.

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